Fuck Me Im An Artist

Fuck Me Im An Artist

Fuck Me Im An Artist

Fuck Me Im An Artist

Fuck Me Im An Artist

Fuck Me Im An Artist

Visit my main art sitehttp://www.houseofmurdock.com/home.html
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About the Project
Online Storehttp://www.houseofmurdock.com/online-store.html

     Fuck Me I’m an Artist is an ongoing series by artist Sean Murdock. After a long and tiring art show one night in sweaty South Florida after making no money Sean muttered “Fuck Me Im An Artist”. That simple sentence has become a project all on its own.

     Sean was invited to be a p
art of a huge art show during Miami Art Week ( Art Basel ) and could submit only one piece. He chose between showing a really serious and powerful artwork but in the end like Sean always does he went the opposite way. The art that hung at the show was a 5 foot by 5 foot fluorescent pink piece with Fuck Me Im An Artist written across it and a naked person wearing a rabbit head. People loved it and it became a hit both online and in the real world.

     Taken in two ways these words have hit artists and non artists as fun and conversation starting. Sean has pasted the words on walls around the nation and sent stickers worldwide.

T-shirts, Stickers, art, and many other items are available in the online store. Click here to see it all!